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Chandrashekhar P S

Dreams and desires are infinitely ambitious in this world, and some of us would like to achieve them all at once. It's true! I mean, who doesn't want success? I do! I'm sure you do too! We work so hard day in and day out to realize these dreams and desires of ours. We hustle!

However, it is my perception that this idea is flawed.

Then why are you hustling if these dreams and desires don't match what you actually need? Maybe we have to "hustle" because it is the right thing to do. Right?

But even after doing everything, why does the result feel void? Why does it not make us fulfilled? Because you didn't really hustle. You took up a set of predetermined rules of life and applied them and got what you wanted. But wasn't that the right thing to do? It wasn't.

What would you say to me after it's all over? What would you say if I asked if you really enjoyed the journey? Have you ever sung a song while walking along the side of a road or had a nice and fun conversation with someone without explanation? Have you ever

complimented someone around you? Have you ever done anything awkward yet amazing that your own boundaries refused you from doing? Did you spend the potentially most stupidly amazing days of your life with people you love?

Sadly, I didn't. But I am doing it now! I'm smiling at the sky, racing with the wind, talking to the trees, jumping in puddles, showering in rain, musing on streets- dancing and singing, gazing at the moon! Having staring contests with the dogs! Complimenting a random stranger! I'm doing, perhaps, everything that I set my mind to do! Why be bound to formal rules and norms when there is so much freedom to do whatever we please? We have a finite number of days to live, so what are you waiting for? Why do you want to hold back? The fun-loving person in you will break the boundaries of shame and regret. Who's going to care when the people who care aren't present?

If you don't want to live a dull and monotonous life, live a wild one! Be the explorer you always wanted to be! Chase the dreams, chase the desires! You don't have to live a boring and lousy life. If you really want to live your life and live it to the fullest, then you can do everything in an exciting and adventurous way. Achieving a particular goal is not the only goal you must achieve to be happy.

Every day can be described as an achievement, and every day can be referred to as a success in its own right. Doesn't it seem foolish to focus on that one thing that you think is important and ignore everything else around you? You are free from any constricting system in this crazy world! Life is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful!

Remember that! It's not just the goal or result that you desire that gets you success, but it's the way you reach it that makes it successful. Every day - every moment, just enjoy it! Live it! Play in it! Fall in it! Cry in it! Learn from it! Walk with it! Talk about it! Just be

there and fully immerse yourself in it; you will get to feel all the highs and gain all the wisdom you need to succeed.

This concept of success and happiness makes you live your life and not just accomplish a particular goal.

So, live in the present and enjoy it to the fullest and you may succeed beyond your very own expectations.

Live the present to its fullest that you got and it'll take you places beyond your imagination of success.


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